Our Latest Sermon

For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?

It’s true, the Bible is a rich, diverse, but admittedly complex collection of 66 books, written over thousands of years, by all sorts of different authors. It’s an important book that has shaped major parts of history—and it can help you find meaning, guidance, and insight as you get to know more about God, the Creator of the Universe, and His plan for you. When it comes to studying the Bible, all of its complexity doesn’t have to deter you from diving right in. In fact, it can be downright exciting!

The children in our church are not just the future— they are actively included in the ministries of the church today.

Family life Ministry is about discipleship and equipping families to “tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord” (Psalm 78:4).

Heath Ministries is not only about assisting our members with living healthier, happier lives; it is also about reaching out to the surrounding community.

Women’s Ministries exists to encourage, equip, promote, and challenge Adventist women in their journey as disciples of Jesus Christ.